Seite 69 - Pastoral Ministry (1995)

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Personal Appearance
The influence of such preachers is not pleasing to God.—
Messages 3:251
Neglecting the body is not the humility that savors of heaven—
But this voluntary humility, this will-worship and neglecting of the
body, is not the humility that savors of heaven. That humility will
be particular to have the person and actions and apparel of all who
preach the holy truth of God, right and perfectly proper, so that every
item connected with us will recommend our holy religion. The very
dress will be a recommendation of the truth to unbelievers. It will be a
sermon in itself.—
Selected Messages 3:251
Cultivate courtesy and a quiet dignity—The minister must re-
member that favorable or unfavorable impressions are made upon his
hearers by his deportment in the pulpit, his attitude, his manner of
speaking, his dress. He should cultivate courtesy and refinement of
manner, and should carry himself with a quiet dignity becoming to his
high calling. Solemnity and a certain godly authority mingled with
meekness, should characterize his demeanor. Coarseness and rudeness
are not to be tolerated in the common walks of life, much less should
they be permitted in the work of the ministry. The minister’s attitude
should be in harmony with the holy truths he proclaims. His words
should be in every respect earnest and well chosen.—
Gospel Workers,
Family’s Appearance
Shun the idolatry of dress. God wants beautiful character, not
stylish appearance—Ministers and ministers’ wives should be an
example in reproving the fashionable display in our sisters who claim
to believe the truth. They should have their children dressed in a way
that God would approve, presenting them to the church in simplicity,
and modesty of apparel. Far greater pains should be taken to instruct
them so that they shall have beautiful characters and keep the way of
the Lord than to have them make a stylish appearance, taking the way
of the Sodomites.—
Testimonies on the Case of Elder E. P. Daniels,
(Ph 96).
Clothing should be plain, neat, comfortable, and of good mate-
rial—Our ministers and their wives should be an example in plainness
of dress; they should dress neatly, comfortably, wearing good material,