Seite 14 - Steps to Christ (1892)

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Steps to Christ
man might be uplifted from the ruin and degradation of sin that he
might reflect the love of God and share the joy of holiness.
The price paid for our redemption, the infinite sacrifice of our
heavenly Father in giving His Son to die for us, should give us exalted
conceptions of what we may become through Christ. As the inspired
apostle John beheld the height, the depth, the breadth of the Father’s
love toward the perishing race, he was filled with adoration and rev-
erence; and, failing to find suitable language in which to express the
greatness and tenderness of this love, he called upon the world to
behold it. “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed
upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.”
1 John 3:1
. What
a value this places upon man! Through transgression the sons of man
become subjects of Satan. Through faith in the atoning sacrifice of
Christ the sons of Adam may become the sons of God. By assuming
human nature, Christ elevates humanity. Fallen men are placed where,
through connection with Christ, they may indeed become worthy of
the name “sons of God.”
Such love is without a parallel. Children of the heavenly King!
Precious promise! Theme for the most profound meditation! The
matchless love of God for a world that did not love Him! The thought
has a subduing power upon the soul and brings the mind into captivity
to the will of God. The more we study the divine character in the
light of the cross, the more we see mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness
blended with equity and justice, and the more clearly we discern innu-
merable evidences of a love that is infinite and a tender pity surpassing
a mother’s yearning sympathy for her wayward child.