Page 137 - This Day With God (1979)

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Achieving Through Christ, May 2
And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his
grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance
among all them which are sanctified.
Acts 20:32
The knowledge of the way of the Lord is increasing, and will continue
to increase. Heresy and superstition are clothing the world in the sackcloth
garments of rebellion and transgression. Literature and cheap fiction of every
order is circulated like the leaves of autumn, and the minds of thousands are
so taken up with irreligious, cheap trash that there is no place in the mind
for solid reading. The Word of God and all that would elevate man from his
degradation is passed by with indifference.
But the Word of God contains the truth, and all those who support the
truth of God for this time are doing their work for time and for eternity. Those
who bring the Word of God into mind and heart are distinctly taking their
stand on the side of God and the universe of heaven. They will stand heart to
heart and hand to hand in defense of the holy and the pure, that which will
stand the test of ages. Those who support error by word and pen and voice,
and by the oppression of those who are linked with the truth, are ranged upon
the other side, with the first great apostate and the evil men who are his agents.
The Word declares of these that they shall “wax worse and worse, deceiving
and being deceived.” And on one of these two sides, men will labor to the
All our powers belong to God. They are His by creation, and by redemp-
tion. God has given to every one His measure of power, and He expects each
to put it forth on the side of truth. Thus it is to shine forth. The Christian
is to stand with undivided interest on the Lord’s side. “Now abideth faith,
hope, love.” Faith looks through discouraging difficulties, and lays hold of
the unseen, even Omnipotence, therefore it cannot be baffled. Faith, hope,
and love are sisters, and their works blend perfectly to shine amid the moral
darkness of the world. The children and the youth are to be instructed, the
ignorant are to be taught by patient effort to know what is truth. It is to be
given them line upon line.—
Manuscript 46, May 2, 1897
, “The Entrance of
Thy Word Giveth Light.”