Page 299 - This Day With God (1979)

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To Every Man His Work, October 4
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country,
who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
Matthew 25:14
Our lifetime is precious, and every action should be considered. It has
been granted us that we might, if we will, lay hold of it in the right spirit,
accomplish a work that will be acknowledged by the Lord as good, enduring
as eternity. It is an intensely solemn thing to live in view of the account we
must render to God of our time, our talents, and our influence. These are
precious things, talents that are not to be buried in the earth, but used. We are
not to hide our talents, they are God’s entrusted gifts for wise improvement,
that they may accumulate in His service, and that at His coming He may
receive His own with usury.
No man is called by God, in the use of the talents entrusted to him, to lay
off his individual responsibility that another man may do his trading for him.
To every man God has given his work, and man is accountable to God for
how that work is done. The soul that accepts the great trust that God has given
him, cannot transfer that talent to another. No man can transfer his influence
to another person, to serve for him, or to be mind or judgment for him.
We are each in the service of God. He is our Teacher, and every lesson He
shall give, is to be appreciated and acted upon. We are not called upon to give
account of our talents to man, but to God. Our mind, our judgment, our tact,
our wisdom, all are given to us of God to be improved for Him, and it is God
who will call us to account for the way in which we have used His gifts....
The period of life in every case is beset with temptations, and it is through
faith in Jesus Christ alone that we shall find grace to help in every time
of need. But each worker has a life to live, a character to form. Each
period of life brings with the passing years some special opportunities for
work; and each advancing year must be made use of, improved to the very
best of human capability. This, with the aid of divine agencies, will show
improvement, advancement onward and upward, walking step by step in a safe
path heavenward.—
Manuscript 28, October 4, 1896
, to “Those Concerned in
Publishing Mount of Blessing.”