Page 63 - Ye Shall Receive Power (1995)

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Abiding in Him, February 20
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
John 15:4
We need to pray for the impartation of the divine Spirit as the remedy
for sin-sick souls. The surface truths of revelation, made plain and easy to
be understood, are accepted by many as supplying all that is essential; but
the Holy Spirit, working upon the mind, awakens an earnest desire for truth
uncorrupted by error. He who is really desirous to know what is truth cannot
remain in ignorance; for precious truth rewards the diligent seeker. We need
to feel the converting power of God’s grace, and I urge all who have closed
their heart against God’s Spirit to unlock the door, and plead earnestly, Abide
with me. Why should we not prostrate ourselves at the throne of divine grace,
praying that God’s Spirit may be poured out upon us as it was upon the
disciples? Its presence will soften our hard hearts, and fill us with joy and
rejoicing, transforming us into channels of blessing.
The Lord would have every one of His children rich in faith, and this faith
is the fruit of the working of the Holy Spirit upon the mind. It dwells with
each soul who will receive it, speaking to the impenitent in words of warning,
and pointing them to Jesus, the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the
world. It causes light to shine into the minds of those who are seeking to
cooperate with God, giving them efficiency and wisdom to do His work.
The Holy Spirit never leaves unassisted a soul who is looking to Jesus. It
takes of the things of Christ, and shows them to the seeker. And if the eye
is kept fixed upon Jesus, the work of the Spirit ceases not until the soul is
conformed to His image. Through the gracious influence of the Spirit the
sinner is changed in spirit and purpose, till he becomes one with Christ. His
affection for God increases; he hungers and thirsts for righteousness, and
by beholding Christ he is changed from glory to glory, from character to
character, and becomes more and more like his Master.—
The Signs of the
Times, September 27, 1899