Seite 41 - Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 (1868)

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Chapter 4—Leaving the Methodist Church
My father’s family still occasionally attended the Methodist church,
and also the class meetings held in private houses. One evening my
brother Robert and myself went to class meeting. The presiding elder
was present. When it came my brother’s turn, he spoke with great
humility, yet with clearness, of the necessity for a complete fitness to
meet our Saviour, when He should come in the clouds of heaven with
power and great glory. While my brother was speaking, a heavenly
light glowed upon his usually pale countenance. He seemed to be
carried in spirit above present surroundings, and spoke as if in the
presence of Jesus. When I was called upon to speak, I arose, free in
spirit, with a heart full of love and peace. I told the story of my great
suffering under the conviction of sin, how I had at length received the
blessing so long sought, an entire conformity to the will of God, and
expressed my joy in the tidings of the soon coming of my Redeemer
to take His children home.
In my simplicity I expected that my Methodist brethren and sis-
ters would understand my feelings and rejoice with me. But I was
disappointed; several sisters groaned and moved their chairs noisily,
turning their backs upon me. I could not think what had been said to
offend them, and spoke very briefly, feeling the chilling influence of
their disapprobation. When I had ceased speaking, Elder B. asked
me if it would not be more pleasant to live a long life of usefulness,
doing others good, than to have Jesus come speedily and destroy poor
sinners. I replied that I longed for the coming of Jesus. Then sin would
have an end, and we would enjoy sanctification forever, with no devil
to tempt and lead us astray.
He then inquired if I would not rather die peacefully upon my bed
than to pass through the pain of being changed, while living, from
mortality to immortality. My answer was that I wished for Jesus to
come and take His children; that I was willing to live or die as God
willed, and could easily endure all the pain that could be borne in a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye; that I desired the wheels of time to