Seite 489 - Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 (1868)

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Chapter 89—Surmisings About Battle Creek
In 1865 I saw that some have felt at liberty, through envious feel-
ings, to speak lightly of the church at Battle Creek. Some look sus-
piciously on all that is going on there and seem to exult if they can
get hold of anything to take advantage of to the discredit of Battle
Creek. God is displeased with such a spirit and course of action. From
what source do our churches abroad obtain their light and knowledge
of the truth? It has been from the means which God has ordained,
which center at Battle Creek. Who have the burdens of the cause? It is
those who are zealously laboring at Battle Creek. Burdens and heavy
trials necessarily come upon those who stand in the forefront of the
hottest battle, and perplexities and wearing thought are attendant upon
all who engage in making highly important decisions in connection
with the work of God. Our brethren abroad, who are relieved from all
this, should feel thankful and praise God that they are thus favored and
should be the last to be jealous, envious, and faultfinding, occupying a
position, “Report, and we will report it.”
The church at Battle Creek have borne the burdens of the Confer-
ences, which have been a severe tax upon nearly all. In consequence of
the extra labor many have brought upon themselves debility which has
lasted for many months. They have borne the burden cheerfully, but
have felt saddened and disheartened by the heartless indifference of
some and the cruel jealousy of others after they returned to the several
churches whence they came. Remarks are thoughtlessly made—by
some designedly, by others carelessly—concerning the burden bearers
there and concerning those who stand at the head of the work. God has
marked all these speeches and the jealousy and envy which prompted
them; a faithful record is kept. Many thank God for the truth and then
turn around and question and find fault with the very means which
Heaven has ordained to make them what they are or what they ought
to be. How much more pleasing to God it would be for them to act the
part of Aaron and Hur and help hold up the hands of those who are
bearing the great and heavy burdens of the work in connection with