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Chapter 5—Opposition of Formal Brethren
For six months not a cloud intervened between me and my Saviour.
Whenever there was a proper opportunity, I bore my testimony, and
was greatly blessed. At times the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me
with such power that my strength was taken from me. This was a trial
to some who had come out from the formal churches, and remarks
were often made that grieved me much. Many could not believe that
one could be so overpowered by the Spirit of God as to lose all strength.
My position was exceedingly painful. I began to reason with myself
whether I was not justified in withholding my testimony in meeting,
and thus restraining my feelings, when there was such an opposition
in the hearts of some who were older in years and experience than
I adopted this plan of silence for a time, trying to convince myself
that to repress my testimony would not hinder me from faithfully living
out my religion. I often felt strongly impressed that it was my duty
to speak in meeting, but refrained from doing so, and was sensible of
having thereby grieved the Spirit of God. I even remained away from
meetings sometimes because they were to be attended by those whom
my testimony annoyed. I shrank from offending my brethren, and in
this allowed the fear of man to break up that uninterrupted communion
with God which had blessed my heart for so many months.
We had appointed evening prayer meetings in different localities
of the city to accommodate all who wished to attend them. The family
that had been most forward in opposing me attended one of these.
Upon this occasion, while those assembled were engaged in prayer,
the Spirit of the Lord came upon the meeting, and one of the members
of this family was prostrated as one dead. His relatives stood weeping
around him, rubbing his hands and applying restoratives. At length
he gained sufficient strength to praise God, and quieted their fears by
shouting with triumph over the marked evidence he had received of
the power of the Lord upon him. The young man was unable to return
home that night.