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Chapter 107—Danger of Self-Confidence
Brother F,
December 25, 1865, I was shown that a good work had commenced
in Maine. Especially was the field of labor shown me where a company
have been raised up as fruits of the labors of Brother Andrews and
yourself, where they have manifested their interest and love for the
truth by erecting a house of worship. There is yet a great work to be
done for this company. Quite a number have been converted to the
theory of the truth; some have decided from the weight of evidence;
they see a beauty in the connected chain of truth, all uniting in a harmo-
nious, perfect whole; they love the principles of the truth, yet they have
not realized its sanctifying influence. These souls are exposed to the
perils of the last days. Satan has prepared his deceptions and snares for
the inexperienced. He is working through his agents, even ministers
who despise the truth and trample upon the law of God themselves
and teach all who will listen to them to do the same.
This company who have received unpopular truth can be safe only
as they make God their trust and are sanctified by the truth which they
profess. They have taken an important step and now need a religious
experience which will make them sons and daughters of the most high
God and heirs to the immortal inheritance purchased for them by His
dear Son. Those who have been instrumental in presenting the truth
to them should not withdraw their labors at this important period, but
should still persevere in their efforts until these souls are gathered into
the fold of Christ. Sufficient instruction should be given for them to
understandingly obtain for themselves the evidence that the truth is to
them salvation.
I saw that God would do a still greater work in Maine if all who
labor in the cause there are consecrated to Him and trust not to their
own strength, but to the Strength of Israel. I was shown that Brother
Andrews and yourself have labored hard and have not had the rest
which you should have given yourselves in order to preserve health.
You should labor with care and observe periods of rest. By so doing