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Chapter 111—Sketch of Experience
From October 21, 1867 to December 22, 1867
Our labor with the Battle Creek church had just closed, and,
notwithstanding we were much worn, we had been so refreshed in
spirit as we witnessed the good result that we cheerfully joined Brother
J. N. Andrews in the long journey to Maine. On the way we held
a meeting at Roosevelt, New York. Testimony No. 13 was doing its
work, and those brethren who had taken part in the general disaffection
were beginning to see things in their true light. This meeting was one
of hard labor, in which pointed testimonies were given. Confessions
were made, followed by a general turning to the Lord on the part of
backsliders and sinners.
Our labors in Maine commenced with the Conference at Norridge-
wock the first of November. The meeting was large. As usual, my
husband and myself bore a plain and pointed testimony in favor of
truth and proper discipline, and against the different forms of error,
confusion, fanaticism, and disorder naturally growing out of a want of
such discipline. This testimony was especially applicable to the condi-
tion of things in Maine. Disorderly spirits who professed to observe
the Sabbath were in rebellion and labored to diffuse the disaffection
through the Conference. Satan helped them, and they succeeded to
some extent. The details are too painful and of too little general
importance to be given here.
It may be enough to say at this time that in consequence of this
spirit of rebellion, faultfinding, and, with some, a sort of babyish
jealousy, murmuring, and complaining, our work in Maine, which
might have been done in two weeks, required seven weeks of the most
trying, laborious, and disagreeable toil. Five weeks were lost, yes,
worse than lost, to the cause in Maine; and our people in other portions
of New England, New York, and Ohio were deprived of five general
meetings in consequence of our being held in Maine. But as we left
that state we were comforted with the fact that all had confessed their
rebellion, and that a few had been led to seek the Lord and embrace