Seite 301 - Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 (1977)

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of their best friends and relatives when aged. They were in continual
fear that it was selfish motives which led their friends to manifest an
interest for them. They would listen to the hints and the deceptive
advice of strangers in regard to those in whom they should confide.
Their unrestrained jealousy sometimes burned into a flame because
all did not agree with their failing judgment. Their covetousness was
dreadful. They often thought that their own children and relatives
were wishing them to die in order to take their place and possess their
wealth and receive the homage which had been bestowed upon them.
And some were so controlled by their jealous, covetous feelings as
to destroy their own children.—
Testimonies for the Church 1:422,
David’s Prayer for His Old Age—David marked that although
the lives of some while in the strength of manhood had been righteous,
as old age came upon them they seemed to lose their self-control.
Satan stepped in and guided their minds, making them restless and
dissatisfied. He saw that many of the aged seemed forsaken of God
and exposed themselves to the ridicule and reproaches of his enemies.
David was deeply moved; he was distressed as he looked forward
to the time when he should be aged. He feared that God would leave
him and that he would be as unhappy as other aged persons whose
course he had noticed, and would be left to the reproach of the enemies
of the Lord. With this burden upon him he earnestly prays, “Cast
me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength
faileth.” “O God, Thou hast taught me from my youth; and hitherto
have I declared Thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and
grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have showed Thy strength
unto this generation, and Thy power to everyone that is to come”
Psalm 71:9, 17, 18
). David felt the necessity of guarding against the
evils which attend old age.—
Testimonies for the Church 1:423
Providing for Use of Entrusted Means—Brother L is a steward
of God. He has been entrusted with means and should be awake to
his duty and render to God the things that are God’s. He should not
fail to understand the claims that God has upon him. While he lives
and has his reasoning powers, he should improve the opportunity
of appropriating the property that God has entrusted to him, instead
of leaving it for others to use and appropriate after the close of his
Testimonies for the Church 2:675