Seite 355 - Selected Messages Book 2 (1958)

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Work of Purification Needed
living missionary to all around him. He will labor for those near and
those afar off. He will have no sectional feeling, no interest merely to
build up one branch of the work over which he presides and there let
his zeal end. All will work with interest to make every branch strong.
There will be no self-love, no selfish interest. The cause is one, the
truth a great whole.
Well may the question be asked with earnest, anxious heart, “Is
envy cherished, is jealousy permitted to find a place in my heart?” If
so, Christ is not there. “Do I love the law of God, is the love of Jesus
Christ in my heart?” If we love one another as Christ has loved us then
we are getting ready for the blessed heaven of peace and rest. There is
no struggling there to be first, to have the supremacy; all will love their
neighbor as themselves. Oh, that God would open the understanding
and speak to the hearts of our churches by arousing the individual
Those who are at ease in Zion need to be aroused. Great is their
accountability who bear the truth and yet feel no weight or burden
for souls. Oh, for men and women professing the truth to arouse, to
take on the yoke of Christ, to lift His burdens. There are wanted those
who will not have merely a nominal interest but a Christlike interest,
unselfish—an intense ardor that will not flag under difficulties or cool
because iniquity abounds.
I want to speak to the ears of our people in America in every
church. Awake from the dead, and Christ will give you life. Souls are
perishing for the light of truth as it is in Jesus. We are standing upon
the very borders of the eternal world. Fair-weather Christians will not
be wanted for this work. The sentimental and tasteful religion is not
needed for this time. There must be intensity brought into our faith and
in the proclamation of truth. I tell you, a new life is proceeding from
satanic agencies to work with a power we have not hitherto realized.
And shall not a new power from above take possession of God’s
people? The truth, sanctifying in its influence, must be urged upon the
people. There must be earnest supplications offered to God, agonizing
prayer to Him, that our hopes as a people may not be founded on
suppositions, but on eternal realities. We must know for ourselves,
by the evidence of God’s Word, whether we are in the faith, going to
heaven or not. The moral standard of character is God’s law. Do we
meet its requirements? Are the Lord’s people bringing their property,