Page 212 - Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 (1871)

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Chapter 32—Danger of Riches
I was shown that some are deceived in regard to themselves.
They look to those who have much property, and feel that these are
the only ones who have a love of the world, and who are in any
special danger of covetousness. But this is not the case. Those who
have means are constantly in danger, and are accountable for all the
talents of means which the Master has entrusted to their care. But
those who have little of this world are frequently self-caring, and do
not do that which is in their power to do, and which God requires
them to do. They frequently have opportunities to do good, but they
have so long cared for self, and studied self-interest, that they think
there is no other way for them to do.
I was shown that Brother and Sister E are in danger of having
their thoughts centered too much upon themselves; especially is
Sister E at fault here. She has almost supreme love for herself. You,
my sister, are poorly prepared to stand amid the perils of the day
of God. You do not imitate the true Pattern, Jesus. There was not
one selfish act in His whole life. You have a work to do for yourself
which no one can do for you. Divest yourself of selfishness, and
learn the mind and will of God. Study to show yourself approved
unto God. You are impulsive, and are naturally irritable and peevish.
You work far beyond your strength. There is no virtue in this, for
God does not require it. A selfish disposition is at the bottom of
this. Your motives are not praiseworthy. You shun responsibility
and caretaking, and have felt that you should be favored. It is to be
regretted that from your childhood you have been petted and favored,
and your will left unsubdued. Now, at a more advanced age, you
have the work to do which should have been done in your childhood.
Your husband has yielded to your wishes and indulged your whims,
to your injury.
Selfishness, which manifests itself in a variety of ways according
to circumstances and the peculiar organization of individuals, must
die. If you had children, and your mind were compelled to be called