Page 285 - Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 (1871)

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Chapter 44—The Unruly Member
Dear Sister S,
Some things have been shown me in reference to you. You have
not a sense of your true state. You need a deep and thorough work
of grace in your heart. You need to set your heart and your house in
order. Your example in your family is not worthy of imitation. You
come up to a low standard, but fail to reach the standard elevated
by our divine Lord. You love to visit and talk, and you say many
things unbecoming a Christian. Your statements are exaggerated
and frequently come far from the truth. Your words and acts will
judge you in the last day. By them you will be justified or by them
condemned. Your education has not been of an ennobling character,
therefore there is the greatest necessity of your now training and ed-
ucating yourself to purity of thought and action. Train your thoughts
so that it will be easy for them to dwell upon pure and holy things.
Cultivate a love for spirituality and true godliness.
Your conversation is often of a low order. You are deceiving
your own soul, and this delusion will prove fatal unless you arouse
to see yourself as you are and turn unto God with true humbleness
of mind. You are inclined to be deceptive. Your son has not an
experimental knowledge of God or of the sacred claims of truth. He
is flattered by his parents that he is a Christian, but he is a most
miserable representative of Sabbathkeeping Christians. God forbid
that we acknowledge such as being Christlike. You do not discipline
your boy. He is self-willed and bigoted. He has but very little
sense of true courtesy or even common politeness. He is rough and
uncultivated, unloving and unlovable. You represent to others that
he is a Christian, and by so doing you disgrace the cause of Christ.
This boy is in a fair way of becoming an educated hypocrite. He has
no control over himself, yet you flatter him that he is a Christian.
The work of reform must commence with you. You should be-
come chaste in conversation, and a keeper at home, loving home
duties, loving your husband and child. You should study to econo-