Page 492 - Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 (1871)

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Chapter 65—An Indulged Daughter
Dear Friend F,
I was shown that you were in danger of being under the full
control of the great adversary of souls. Your experience at-----was
not good for you. Your stay at-----hurt you; you became proud and
vain. Persons were not wanting who unwisely petted and praised
you until you became vain, pert, and saucy. You have been opposed
to restraint, have been headstrong, willful, and stubborn, and have
made your parents much trouble. They have erred. Your father has
unwisely petted you. You have taken advantage of this and have
become deceptive. You have received approbation which you did
not deserve.
You had your own head very much at-----and took liberties that
should not have been allowed for a moment. When you or your
sisters were reproved you felt insulted and reported the matter to
your mother as though you had been abused. You exaggerated,
and she was nervous and easily excited and irritated if she thought
her position and dignity were not respected. She was displeased
that anyone should dictate to her children, and she did not conceal
her displeasure. She spoke improperly to those who should have
commanded her respect. Your mother showed great lack of wisdom
in taking your part and censuring those whom she should have
thanked rather than blamed. She hurt you and did a work for you
that she can never fully repair. You triumphed because you thought
yourself secure from censure, thought that you could do as you
pleased. Your mother’s eye was not always upon you; and if it had
been, she could not have discerned your evil tendencies.
At school you had a good and noble teacher, yet you felt indig-
nant because you were restrained. You thought that because you
were the daughter of G your teacher should show a preference for
you and should not take the liberty to correct and reprove you. Your
sisters also partook of the same spirit. You carried your complaints
to your parents; they heard your version of matters and sympathized