Page 520 - Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 (1871)

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Chapter 72—Christian Recreation
Christian Recreation
Reported as spoken before a company
of about two hundred who were enjoying a season of recreation at
Goguac Lake, near Battle Creek, Michigan, May, 1870.
] I have been
thinking what a contrast would be seen between our gathering here
today and such gatherings as they are generally conducted by unbe-
lievers. Instead of prayer, and the mention of Christ and religious
things, would be heard silly laughter and trifling conversation. Their
object would be to have a general high time. It would commence
in folly and end in vanity. We want to have these gatherings so
conducted, and to so conduct ourselves, that we can return to our
homes with a conscience void of offense toward God and man; a
consciousness that we have not wounded nor injured in any manner
those with whom we have associated, or had an injurious influence
over them.
Here is where very many fail. They do not consider that they are
accountable for the influence they daily exert; that they must render
an account to God for the impressions they make, and the influence
they cast, in all their associations in life. If this influence is such as
shall have a tendency to draw the minds of others away from God
and attract them into the channel of vanity and folly, leading them
to seek their own pleasure in amusements and foolish indulgences,
they must give an account for this. And if these persons are men and
women of influence, if their position is such that their example will
affect others, then a greater sin will rest upon them for neglecting to
regulate their conduct by the Bible standard.
The occasion we are enjoying today is just according to my ideas
of recreation. I have tried to give my
upon this subject, but
they are better illustrated than expressed. I was on this ground about
one year ago when there was a gathering similar to this. Nearly
everything passed off very pleasantly then, but still some things
were objectionable. Considerable jesting and joking were indulged