Page 148 - The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 (1884)

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The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4
made a practical application of Scripture truth to the hearts of his
hearers, the rage of professed Christians was kindled against him,
even as the anger of the Jews was excited against Christ and his
apostles. Church-members stirred up the baser classes, and upon
several occasions enemies plotted to take his life as he should leave
the place of meeting. But holy angels were in the throng, and one
of these, in the form of a man, took the arm of this servant of the
Lord, and led him in safety from the angry mob. His work was not
yet done, and Satan and his emissaries were disappointed in their
Comparing his own expectations as to the effect of his preaching
with the manner in which it had been received by the religious world,
Wm. Miller said: “It is true, but not wonderful, when we become
acquainted with the state and corruption of the present age, ... that
I have met with great opposition from the pulpit and professed
religious press; and I have been instrumental, through the preaching
of the Advent doctrine, of making it quite manifest that not a few
of our theological teachers are infidels in disguise. I cannot for a
moment believe that denying the resurrection of the body, or the
return of Christ to this earth, or a judgment day yet future, is any the
less infidelity now than it was in the days of infidel France; and yet
who does not know that these things are as common as pulpits and
presses are? And which of these questions are not publicly denied
in our pulpits, and by the writers and editors of the public papers?
“Surely, we have fallen on strange times. I expected of course
the doctrine of Christ’s speedy coming would be opposed by infidels,
blasphemers, drunkards, gamblers, and the like; but I did not expect
that ministers of the gospel and professors of religion would unite
with characters of the above description, at stores and public places,
in ridiculing the solemn doctrine of the second advent. Many who
were not professors of religion have affirmed to me these facts, and
say they have seen them and have felt their blood chilled at the sight.
“These are some of the effects which are produced by preaching
this solemn and soul-stirring doctrine among our Pharisees of the
present day. Is it possible that such ministers and members are
obeying God, and watching and praying for his glorious appearing,
while they join these scoffers in their unholy and ungodly remarks?