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The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4
All classes flocked to the Adventist meetings. Rich and poor,
high and low, were, from various causes, anxious to hear for them-
selves the doctrine of the second advent. The Lord held the spirit
of opposition in check while his servants explained the reasons of
their faith. Sometimes the instrument was feeble; but the Spirit of
God gave power to his truth. The presence of holy angels was felt in
these assemblies, and many were daily added to the believers. As
the evidences of Christ’s soon coming were repeated, vast crowds
listened in breathless silence to the solemn words. Heaven and earth
seemed to approach each other. The power of God would be felt
upon old and young and middle-aged. Men sought their homes with
praises upon their lips, and the glad sound rang out upon the still
night air. None who attended those meetings can ever forget those
scenes of deepest interest.
The proclamation of a definite time for Christ’s coming called
forth great opposition from many of all classes, from the minister
in the pulpit down to the most reckless, Heaven-daring sinner. “No
man knoweth the day nor the hour!” [
See appendix, note 2.
] was
heard alike from the hypocritical minister and the bold scoffer. They
closed their ears to the clear and harmonious explanation of the text
by those who were pointing to the close of the prophetic periods
and to the signs which Christ himself had foretold as tokens of his
advent. Many who professed to love the Saviour, declared that
they had no opposition to the preaching of his coming; they merely
objected to the definite time. God’s all-seeing eye read their hearts.
They did not wish to hear of Christ’s coming to judge the world
in righteousness. They had been unfaithful servants, their works
would not bear the inspection of the heart-searching God, and they
feared to meet their Lord. Like the Jews at the time of Christ’s first
advent, they were not prepared to welcome Jesus. Satan and his
angels exulted and flung the taunt in the face of Christ and holy
angels, that his professed people had so little love for him that they
did not desire his appearing.
Unfaithful watchmen hindered the progress of the work of God.
As the people were roused, and began to inquire the way of salvation,
these leaders stepped in between them and the truth, seeking to quiet
their fears by falsely interpreting the word of God. In this work,
Satan and unconsecrated ministers united, crying, Peace, peace,