Page 195 - The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 (1884)

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Third Message Rejected
foundation of the Sabbath. [
Job 38:6, 7
Genesis 2:1-3
.] Well may
this institution demand our reverence: it was ordained by no human
authority, and rests on no human tradition; it was established by the
Ancient of days, and commanded by his eternal word.
As the attention of the people was called to the subject of Sab-
bath reform, popular ministers perverted the word of God, placing
such interpretations upon its testimony as would best quiet inquiring
minds. And those who did not search the Scriptures for themselves
were content to accept the ministers’ conclusions. By argument,
sophistry, the traditions of the Fathers, and the authority of the
church, opposers endeavored to overthrow the truth. Its advocates
were driven to their Bibles to defend the validity of the fourth com-
mandment. Humble men, armed with the word of truth alone, met
and withstood the attacks of men of learning. With surprise and
anger, popular ministers found their eloquent sophistry powerless
against the simple, straightforward reasoning of men who had but
little of the learning of the schools.
In the absence of Scripture testimony in their favor, many with
unwearying persistency inquired,—forgetting how the same rea-
soning had been employed against Christ and his apostles,—“Why
do not our great men understand this Sabbath question? But few
believe as you do, and even these are uneducated persons. It cannot
be that you are right, and that all the men of learning in the world
are wrong.”
To refute such arguments it was needful only to cite the teachings
of the Scriptures and the history of the Lord’s dealings with his
people in all ages. God works through those who hear and obey his
voice, those who will, if need be, speak unpalatable truths, those
who do not fear to reprove popular sins. The reason why he does not
oftener choose men of learning and high position is, that they trust to
their creeds, theories, and theological systems, and feel no need to be
taught of God. Only those who have a personal connection with the
Source of wisdom are able to understand or explain the Scriptures.
Men who have little of the learning of the schools are called to
declare the truth, not because they are unlearned, but because they
are not too self-sufficient to be taught of God. They learn in the
school of Christ, and their humility and obedience make them great.
In committing to them a knowledge of his truth, God confers upon