Page 235 - The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 (1884)

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Snares of Satan
It was thus that Lucifer himself was cast out of Heaven. He became
dissatisfied because all the secrets of God’s purposes were not con-
fided to him, and he entirely disregarded that which was revealed
concerning his own work in the lofty position assigned him. By
arousing the same discontent in the angels under his command, he
caused their fall. Now he seeks to imbue the minds of men with the
same spirit, and to lead them also to disregard the direct commands
of God.
Those who are unwilling to accept the plain, cutting truths of
the Bible, are continually seeking for pleasing fables that will quiet
their consciences. The less spiritual, self-denying, and humiliating
the doctrines presented, the greater the favor with which they are
received. These persons degrade the intellectual powers to serve
their carnal desires. Too wise in their own conceit to search the
word of God with contrition of soul and earnest prayer for divine
guidance, they have no shield from delusion. Satan is ready to
supply the heart’s desire, and he palms off his deceptions in the
place of truth. It was thus that the papacy gained its power over
the minds of men; and by rejection of the truth because it involves
a cross, Protestants are following the same path. All who neglect
the word of God to study convenience and policy, that they may
not be at variance with the world, will be left to receive damnable
heresy for religious truth. The apostle Paul speaks of a class who
received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” He says
of these, “For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that
they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believed
not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” [
2 Thessalonians
.] With such a warning before us, it behooves us to be on our
guard as to what doctrines we receive.
Every conceivable form of error will be accepted by those who
willfully reject the truth. Satan has different deceptions prepared
to reach different minds; and some who look with horror upon one
deception will readily receive another.
Among the most successful agencies of the great deceiver are
the delusive doctrines and lying wonders of Spiritualism. Disguised
as an angel of light, he spreads his nets where least suspected. If
men would but study the word of God with earnest prayer that they
might understand its teachings, they would not be left in darkness to