Page 237 - The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 (1884)

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Snares of Satan
It is a part of God’s plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith,
that which he would not bestow, did we not thus ask.
Innumerable are the erroneous doctrines and fanciful ideas that
are obtaining among the churches of Christendom. It is impossible
to estimate the evil results of removing one of the landmarks fixed by
the word of God. Few who venture to do this, stop with the rejection
of a single truth. The majority continue to set aside one after another
of its principles, until they become actual infidels.
And this is the object which Satan seeks to accomplish. There is
nothing that he desires more than to destroy confidence in God and in
his word. Satan stands at the head of the great army of doubters, and
he works to the utmost of his power to beguile souls into his ranks.
It is becoming fashionable to doubt. There are many who seem to
feel that it is a virtue to stand on the side of unbelief, skepticism,
and infidelity. But underneath an appearance of candor and humility,
it will be found that such persons are actuated by self-confidence
and pride. It is a terrible thing to lose faith in God or in his word.
Unbelief strengthens as it is encouraged. There is danger in even
once giving expression to doubt; a seed is sown which produces
a harvest of its kind. Satan will nourish the crop every moment.
Those who allow themselves to talk of their doubts will find them
constantly becoming more confirmed. God will never remove every
occasion for doubt. He will never work a miracle to remove unbelief
when he has given sufficient evidence for faith.
God looks with displeasure upon the self-sufficient and the un-
believing, who are ever doubting his promises and distrusting the
assurance of his grace. They are unproductive trees that spread their
dark branches far and wide, shutting away the sunlight from other
plants, and causing them to droop and die under the chilling shadow.
The life-work of these persons will appear as a never-ceasing witness
against them. They are sowing seeds of doubt and skepticism that
will yield an unfailing harvest.
The followers of Christ know little of the plots which Satan
and his hosts are forming against them. But He who sitteth in the
heavens will overrule all these devices for the accomplishment of
his deep designs. The Lord permits his people to be subjected to
the fiery ordeal of temptation, not because he takes pleasure in their
distress and affliction, but because this process is essential to their