Page 245 - The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 (1884)

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First Great Deception
diately transported to the abodes of bliss, there to be purified and
prepared for the companionship of sinless angels! A pleasing fable
indeed, well suited to gratify the carnal heart! This is Satan’s own
doctrine, and it does his work effectually. Should we be surprised
that, with such instruction, wickedness abounds? Is there not need
of contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints?
The course pursued by this one false teacher illustrates that of
many others. A few words of Scripture are separated from the
context, which would in many cases show its meaning to be ex-
actly opposite to the interpretation put upon it; and such disjointed
passages are perverted and used in proof of doctrines that have no
foundation in the word of God. The testimony cited as evidence
that the drunken Amnon is in Heaven, is a mere inference, directly
contradicted by the plain and positive statement of the Scriptures,
that no drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God. It is thus that
doubters, unbelievers, and skeptics turn the truth into a lie. And
multitudes have been deceived by their sophistry, and rocked to sleep
in the cradle of carnal security.
If the souls of all men pass directly to Heaven at the hour of
dissolution, then we may well covet death rather than life. Many
have been led by this belief to put an end to their existence. When
overwhelmed with trouble, perplexity, and disappointment, it seems
an easy thing to break the brittle thread of life, and soar away into
the bliss of the eternal world.
God has given in his word abundant evidence that he will punish
the transgressors of his law. Witness the visitation of his judgments
upon the angels who kept not their first estate, on the inhabitants
of the antediluvian world, on the people of Sodom, on unbelieving
Israel. Their history is placed on record for our admonition.
Let us consider what the Bible teaches further concerning the
ungodly and unrepentant, whom the Universalist places in Heaven
as holy, happy angels.
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give
unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.”
This promise is only to those that thirst. None but those who feel
their need of the water of life, and seek it at the loss of all things
else, will be supplied. “He that overcometh shall inherit all things;
and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” [
Revelation 21:6, 7