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The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4
in conflict. Though disabled, and suffering the keenest pain, he
does not relinquish his purpose. Long has he endured perplexity,
remorse, and trouble for his sin; now he must have the assurance
that it is pardoned. The divine visitant seems about to depart; but
Jacob clings to him, pleading for a blessing. The Angel urges, “Let
me go; for the day breaketh;” but the patriarch exclaims, “I will not
let thee go, except thou bless me.” What confidence, what firmness
and perseverance, are here displayed! Had this been a boastful,
presumptuous claim, Jacob would have been instantly destroyed;
but his was the assurance of one who confesses his weakness and
unworthiness, yet trusts the mercy of a covenant-keeping God.
“He had power over the Angel, and prevailed.” [
Hosea 12:4
Through humiliation, repentance, and self-surrender, this sinful,
erring mortal prevailed with the Majesty of Heaven. He had fastened
his trembling grasp upon the promises of God, and the heart of
Infinite Love could not turn away the sinner’s plea. As an evidence of
his triumph, and an encouragement to others to imitate his example,
his name was changed from one which was a reminder of his sin,
to one that commemorated his victory. And the fact that Jacob had
prevailed with God was an assurance that he would prevail with men.
He no longer feared to encounter his brother’s anger; for the Lord
was his defense.
Satan had accused Jacob before the angels of God, claiming
the right to destroy him because of his sin; he had moved upon
Esau to march against him; and during the patriarch’s long night of
wrestling, Satan endeavored to force upon him a sense of his guilt,
in order to discourage him, and break his hold upon God. Jacob was
driven almost to despair; but he knew that without help from Heaven
he must perish. He had sincerely repented of his great sin, and he
appealed to the mercy of God. He would not be turned from his
purpose, but held fast the Angel, and urged his petition with earnest,
agonizing cries, until he prevailed. Heavenly messengers were sent
to move upon Esau’s heart, and his purpose of hatred and revenge
was changed to fraternal affection.
As Satan influenced Esau to march against Jacob, so he will stir
up the wicked to destroy God’s people in the time of trouble. And as
he accused Jacob, he will urge his accusations against the people of
God. He numbers the world as his subjects; but the little company