Page 341 - The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 (1884)

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those denying it. “Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when
he cometh shall find watching.”
Luke 12:37
Note 3. Page 228.—The story that the Adventists made robes
with which to ascend “to meet the Lord in the air,” was invented
by those who wished to reproach the cause. It was circulated so
industriously that many believed it; but careful inquiry proved its
falsity. For many years a large reward has been offered for proof
that one such instance ever occurred; but the proof has not been
produced. None who loved the appearing of the Saviour were so
ignorant of the teachings of the Scriptures as to suppose that robes
which they could make would be necessary for that occasion. The
only robe which the saints will need to meet the Lord will be that of
the righteousness of Christ. See
Revelation 19:8
Note 4. Page 241.—The year 1843, during which Adventists at
first expected the coming of Christ, was regarded as extending to
the spring of 1844. The reason for this, briefly stated, is as follows:
Anciently the year did not commence in mid-winter, as now, but at
the first new moon after the vernal equinox. Therefore, as the period
of 2300 days was begun in a year reckoned by the ancient method,
it was considered necessary to conform to that method to its close.
Hence, 1843 was counted as ending in the spring, and not in the
Note 5. Page 260.—That the earth is the sanctuary was inferred
from those scriptures which teach that the earth will be purified and
fitted up for the eternal dwelling-place of the saints, according to the
original design of the creator. Adventists understood this just as it
was taught by Wesley and others. And their minds did not rest on
any other dwelling-place or any other thing which needed cleansing.
The only scriptures which we ever knew to be offered in favor of the
earth or any dwelling-place of man being called the sanctuary, fairly
disprove the position. They are only three in number, as follows:—
Exodus 15:17
: “Thou shalt bring them [the people] in, and plant
them in the mountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O Lord,
which thou hast made for thee to dwell in, the sanctuary, O Lord,
which thy hands have established.”
Without taking time or space to give an exposition of the text, it
is sufficient for the present purpose to remark that it disproves the
idea of
the earth
being the sanctuary. Whatever construction may