Page 51 - The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 (1884)

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before them, not the prospect of earthly wealth or glory, but possibly
a martyr’s fate. The missionaries began their labors in the plains and
valleys at the foot of their own mountains, going forth two and two,
as Jesus sent out his disciples. These co-laborers were not always
together, but often met for prayer and counsel, thus strengthening
each other in the faith.
To make known the nature of their mission would have insured
its defeat; therefore they concealed their real character under the
guise of some secular profession, most commonly that of merchants
or peddlers. They offered for sale silks, jewelry, and other valuable
articles, and were received as merchants where they would have been
repulsed as missionaries. All the while their hearts were uplifted to
God for wisdom to present a treasure more precious than gold or
gems. They carried about with them portions of the Holy Scriptures
concealed in their clothing or merchandise, and whenever they could
do so with safety, they called the attention of the inmates of the
dwelling to these manuscripts. When they saw that an interest was
awakened, they left some portion with them as a gift.
With naked feet and in coarse garments, these missionaries
passed through great cities, and traversed provinces far removed
from their native valleys. Everywhere they scattered the precious
seed. Churches sprang up in their path, and the blood of martyrs
witnessed for the truth. The day of God will reveal a rich harvest
of souls garnered by the labors of these faithful men. Veiled and
silent, the word of God was making its way through Christendom,
and meeting a glad reception in the homes and hearts of men.
To the Waldenses the Scriptures were not merely a record of
God’s dealings with men in the past, and a revelation of the respon-
sibilities and duties of the present, but an unfolding of the perils and
glories of the future. They believed that the end of all things was
not far distant; and as they studied the Bible with prayer and tears,
they were the more deeply impressed with its precious utterances,
and with their duty to make known to others its saving truths. They
saw the plan of salvation clearly revealed in the word of God, and
they found comfort, hope, and peace in believing in Jesus. As the
light illuminated their understanding and made glad their hearts, they
longed to shed its beams upon those who were in the darkness of
papal error.