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The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4
of salvation. Often would words like these be uttered: “Will God
indeed accept
offering? Will he smile upon
? Will he pardon
?” The answer was read, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and
are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” [
Matthew 11:23
Faith grasps the promise, and the glad response is heard, “No
more long pilgrimages to make; no more painful journeys to holy
shrines. I may come to Jesus just as I am, sinful and unholy, and
he will not spurn the penitential prayer. ‘Thy sins be forgiven thee.’
Mine, even mine, may be forgiven.”
A tide of sacred joy would fill the heart, and the name of Jesus
would be magnified by praise and thanksgiving. Those happy souls
returned to their homes to diffuse light, to repeat to others, as well
as they could, their new experience; that they had found the true and
living Way. There was a strange and solemn power in the words of
Scripture that spoke directly to the hearts of those who were longing
for the truth. It was the voice of God, and it carried conviction to
those who heard.
The messenger of truth went on his way; but his appearance
of humility, his sincerity, his earnestness and deep fervor, were
subjects of frequent remark. In many instances his hearers had not
asked him whence he came, or whither he went. They had been so
overwhelmed, at first with surprise, and afterward with gratitude and
joy, that they had not thought to question him. When they had urged
him to accompany them to their homes, he had replied that he must
visit the lost sheep of the flock. Could he have been an angel from
Heaven? they queried.
In many cases the messenger of truth was seen no more. He had
made his way to other lands, he was wearing out his life in some
unknown dungeon, or perhaps his bones were whitening on the spot
where he had witnessed for the truth. But the words he had left
behind could not be destroyed. They were doing their work in the
hearts of men: the blessed results will be fully known only in the
The Waldensian missionaries were invading the kingdom of
Satan, and the powers of darkness aroused to greater vigilance.
Every effort to advance the truth was watched by the prince of evil,
and he excited the fears of his agents. The papal leaders saw a
portent of danger to their cause from the labors of those humble