Page 8 - The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4 (1884)

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specially need in the perils of the last days. God is willing to give
His Spirit to those who ask Him, to those who call upon Him in
truth. We believe that the writer has received the illumination of
the Holy Spirit in preparing these pages,—in laying before us the
nature of the great controversy between Christ and Satan, that we
may be warned against the snares of the enemy, and prepared for an
inheritance with the saints in light.
While many subjects here presented are of wondrous depth,—
relating to “the deep things of God,”—they are presented in language
easy to be understood. And we are happy in knowing that the reading
of these works leads to greater love for the Holy Scriptures, and
to reverence for the God of grace, in whom are all the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge.
That this volume may prove a blessing to all who read it, and
redound to the glory of the most high, is the earnest prayer of the