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Spiritual Gifts, Volume 4b
Luther’s devoted, zealous life placed along side of the lives of some of
our preachers. His undying love for the truth, his courage, his calm
firmness, his self-denial, his trials and sacrifices, his suffering at times
the deepest anguish of soul, while standing in defense of the truth. Yet
he murmured not. His life was hunted like a wild beast of prey, yet he
endured all cheerfully for Christ’s sake.
The last merciful message is entrusted to God’s humble, faithful
servants of this time. God has led along those who would not shun
responsibility, and has laid burdens upon them, and has through them
laid out a plan for systematic benevolence to present to his people. In
this all can engage, and work in harmony. This system has liberally
sustained preachers and the cause. It has been carried out. It has
worked like magic. The people have heartily responded to the call, and
prized the system, as soon as the preachers ceased their opposition,
and stood out of their way. Everything is made convenient and easy
for the preachers, that they may work, free from embarrassment. The
people have taken hold with a will and an interest which is not to be
found among any other class of people. And God is displeased with
preachers who now complain, and fail to throw their whole energies
into this all-important work. They are without excuse, yet some are
deceived, and think that they are sacrificing much, and are having a
hard time, when they do not know really anything about suffering,
self-denial, or want. They may often be weary, so would they be if
they were dependent on manual labor for a support.
Some have thought it would be easier laboring with their hands,
and have often expressed their choice to do so. They do not know
what they are talking about. They are deceiving themselves. Some
have very expensive families that must be provided for, and they lack
management. They do not realize that they are indebted to the cause
of God for their homes and all that they have. They have not realized
how much it costs to live. Should they engage in manual labor, they
would not be free from anxiety and weariness. They could not, while
laboring to support their own families, be sitting down at their own
It is only a few weary hours that a laboring man, with a family
dependent upon him for support, can spend with his family at home.
Some ministers do not love industrious labor. A dissatisfaction has
been cherished, which is very unreasonable. God has marked every