Testimonies for the Church Volume 6
however good the work maybe, their physical strength is overtaxed,
and their minds become confused, and they cannot attain the highest
Physicians in our institutions should not engage in numerous en-
terprises and thus allow their work to flag when it should stand upon
right principles and exert a worldwide influence. God has not set His
colaborers to embrace so many things, to make such large plans, that
they fail in their allotted place of accomplishing the great good He
expects them to do in diffusing light to the world, in drawing men and
women as He is leading by His supreme wisdom.
The enemy has determined to counterwork the designs of God to
benefit humanity in revealing to them what constitutes true medical
missionary work. So many interests have been brought in that the
workers cannot do all things according to the pattern shown in the
mount. I have been instructed that the work appointed to the physicians
in our institutions is enough for them to do, and what the Lord requires
of them is to link up closely with the gospel missionaries and do their
work with faithfulness. He has not asked our physicians to embrace so
large and varied a work as some have undertaken. He has not made
it the special work of our physicians to labor for those in the dens of
iniquity in our large cities. The Lord does not require impossibilities
of His servants. The work which He gave to our physicians was to
symbolize to the world the ministry of the gospel in medical missionary
The Lord does not lay upon His people all the burden of laboring
for a class so hardened by sin that many of them will neither be ben-
efited themselves nor benefit others. If there are men who can take
up the work for the most degraded, if God lays upon them a burden
to labor for the masses in various ways, let these go forth and gather
from the world the means required for doing this work. Let them not
depend on the means which God intends shall sustain the work of the
third angel’s message.
Our sanitariums need the power of brain and heart of which they
are being robbed by another line of work. Everything that Satan can
do he will do to multiply the responsibilities of our physicians, for he
knows that this means weakness instead of strength to the institutions
with which they are connected.