Testimonies for the Church Volume 6
When institutes and similar meetings are held, let them not be
held in connection with our large, established churches. Let them
give character to the work and spread the knowledge of the truth in
localities where it is little known. This may not be convenient; but
I ask, Was it convenient for Christ to leave the royal courts? Was it
convenient for Him to leave His honor, His glory, His high command,
and humble Himself to become one with us? He did not go to unfallen
beings, but to those who needed Him most. His example we, to whom
He has entrusted His work, are to copy.
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We are to present the word of life to those whom we may judge
to be as hopeless subjects as if they were in their graves. Though
they may seem to be unwilling to hear or to receive the light of truth,
without questioning or wavering we are to do our part.
There is danger in delay. That soul whom you might have found,
that soul to whom you might have opened the Scriptures, passes be-
yond your reach. Satan has prepared some net for his feet, and tomor-
row he may be working out the plans of the archenemy of God. Why
delay one day? Why not go to work at once?
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How the angels must feel as they see the end approaching, and see
so many of those entrusted with the last message of mercy huddling
together, attending meetings for the sake of benefit to their own souls,
and feeling dissatisfied if there is not much preaching, while they have
little burden and are doing little for the salvation of others. All who are
indeed united to Christ by living faith will be partakers of the divine
nature. They will be constantly receiving from Him spiritual life, and
they cannot be silent.
Life always shows itself in action. If the heart is living, it will send
the lifeblood to every part of the body. Those whose hearts are filled
with spiritual life will not need to be urged to reveal it. The divine life
will flow forth from them in rich currents of grace. As they pray, as
they speak, and as they labor, God is glorified.
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