Building of Meetinghouses
upon the members of the church. Let everyone do his best. When
there is a will to do, God will open the way. He does not design that
His cause shall be trammeled with debt.
God calls for self-sacrifice. This will bring not only financial but
spiritual prosperity. Self-denial and self-sacrifice will work wonders
in advancing the spirituality of the church.
* * * * *
It is displeasing to God for our churches to be burdened with debt.
“The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, saith the Lord of hosts.”
Haggai 2:8
. When that gold and silver is used for selfish purposes,
to gratify ambition or pride or desire for any selfish indulgence, God
is dishonored. When the people chosen by God embellish their own
houses and invest His money in selfish gratification, leaving His cause
to languish, they cannot be blessed.
When you place the Lord first, and determine that His house shall
no longer be dishonored by debt, God will bless you. Every week
endeavor to lay aside something for this object, something in addition
to your tithe money. Have a box for this purpose. Explain to your
children that it is the self-denial box, in which you place every dollar
and every penny that is not required for actual necessities. It is for
the Lord’s house, to lift the heaven-dishonoring debt from the place
of worship. In making this offering, every member of the family will
receive a blessing.
God reads every thought. He notes every action. Everything done
with sincere purpose for the advancement of His work will be blessed
by Him. The two mites, the cup of cold water, presented in sympathy
and love, will be made effective in doing good here and will bring a
reward hereafter.
* * * * *
The test question for every Christian to ask himself is: “Have I, in
my inmost soul, supreme love for Christ? Do I love His tabernacle?
Will not the Lord be honored by my making His sacred institution
my first consideration? Is my love for God and my Redeemer strong
enough to lead me to deny self? When tempted to indulge in pleasure