Seite 149 - Testimonies for the Church Volume 7 (1902)

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Commercial Work
We have no permission from the Lord to engage either in the
printing or in the sale of such publications; for they are the means of
destroying many souls. I know of what I am writing, for this matter
has been opened before me. Let not those who believe the message
for this time engage in such work, thinking to make money. The Lord
will put a blight upon the means thus obtained; He will scatter more
than is gathered.
There is another class of literature, more defiling than the leprosy,
more deadly than the plagues of Egypt, against which our publishing
houses need unceasingly to guard. In accepting commercial work,
let them beware lest matters presenting the very science of Satan be
admitted into our institutions. Let not works setting forth the soul-
destroying theories of hypnotism, spiritualism, Romanism, or other
mysteries of iniquity find a place in our publishing houses.
Let nothing be handled by the employees that will sow one seed of
doubt in regard to the authority or purity of the Scriptures. Upon no
consideration let infidel sentiments be placed before the youth, whose
minds so eagerly grasp anything new. At the very highest figures that
might be paid, such work could be published only at infinite loss.
To allow matter of this character to pass through our institutions is
to place in the hands of the employees and to present to the world the
fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge. It is to invite Satan to come
in, with his bewitching science, to insinuate his principles in the very
institutions that are set for the advancement of the sacred work of God.
To publish matter of this character would be loading the guns of the
enemy and placing them in their hands, to be used against the truth.
Think you that Jesus will stand in the publishing establishment to
work through human minds by His ministering angels; think you that
He will make the truth coming from the presses a power to warn the
world, if Satan is allowed to pervert the minds of the workers right
in the institution? Can God’s blessing attend the publications coming
from the press when from the same press are sent forth satanic heresy
and delusion? “Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet
water and bitter?”
James 3:11
The managers of our institutions need to realize that in accepting
their position they become responsible for the mental food given to the
workers while in the institution. They are responsible for the character
of the matter that goes forth from our presses. They will be called to