Seite 395 - The Acts of the Apostles (1911)

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Chapter 58—The Church Triumphant
More than eighteen centuries have passed since the apostles rested
from their labors, but the history of their toils and sacrifices for Christ’s
sake is still among the most precious treasures of the church. This
history, written under the direction of the Holy Spirit, was recorded in
order that by it the followers of Christ in every age might be impelled
to greater zeal and earnestness in the cause of the Saviour.
The commission that Christ gave to the disciples, they fulfilled. As
these messengers of the cross went forth to proclaim the gospel, there
was such a revelation of the glory of God as had never before been
witnessed by mortal man. By the co-operation of the divine Spirit,
the apostles did a work that shook the world. To every nation was the
gospel carried in a single generation.
Glorious were the results that attended the ministry of the chosen
apostles of Christ. At the beginning of their ministry some of them
were unlearned men, but their consecration to the cause of their Master
was unreserved, and under His instruction they gained a preparation
for the great work committed to them. Grace and truth reigned in their
hearts, inspiring their motives and controlling their actions. Their lives
were hid with Christ in God, and self was lost sight of, submerged in
the depths of infinite love.
The disciples were men who knew how to speak and pray sincerely,
men who could take hold of the might of the Strength of Israel. How
closely they stood by the side of God, and bound their personal honor
to His throne! Jehovah was their God. His honor was their honor. His
truth was their truth. Any attack made upon the gospel was as if cutting
deep into their souls, and with every power of their being they battled
for the cause of Christ. They could hold forth the word of life because
they had received the heavenly anointing. They expected much, and
therefore they attempted much. Christ had revealed Himself to them,
and to Him they looked for guidance. Their understanding of truth
and their power to withstand opposition were proportionate to their
conformity to God’s will. Jesus Christ, the wisdom and power of God,