Seite 26 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Counsels for the Church
At other times it seemed to her that she was actually taking part in
the scene presented to her, and that she was feeling, seeing, hearing,
and obeying, when, of course, she was not, but the impression was
made on her mind in an unforgettable manner. Her very first vision,
presented on pages 33 to 36, was of this nature.
On other occasions while in vision, Mrs. White seemed to be
present at gatherings or in homes or institutions located at distant
places. So vivid was this sense of being present at such gatherings
that she could report in detail the actions and words spoken by various
persons. Once, while in vision, Mrs. White had the sensation that she
was being taken on a tour of one of our medical institutions, visiting
the rooms, as it were, seeing everything that was going on. Of this
experience she wrote:
“The frivolous talk, the foolish jesting, the meaningless laugh, fell
painfully on the ear.... I was astonished as I saw the jealousy indulged,
and listened to the words of envy, the reckless talk, which made the
angels of God ashamed.”
Then other more pleasant conditions at the same institution were
revealed. She was conducted to the rooms “from which came the voice
of prayer. How welcome was the sound!” A message of instruction
was written based on the seeming visit to the institution and on the
words of
Often light was given to Mrs. White in vivid symbolic represen-
tations. One such representation is clearly described in the following
sentences, taken from a personal message sent to a leading worker,
who was seen to be in peril:
“At another time you were represented to me as a general, mounted
on a horse, and carrying a banner. One came and took out of your hand
the banner bearing the words, ‘The Commandments of God and the
Faith of Jesus,’ and it was trampled in the dust. I saw you surrounded
by men who were linking you up with the world.”
There were times, also, when different, contrasting views were
presented to Mrs. White—one illustrating what would take place
if certain plans or policies were followed, and in another view the
outworking of other plans or policies. An excellent illustration of this
may be found in connection with the locating of the health food factory
at Loma Linda, in the western part of the United States. The manager
and his associates were planning to erect a large building very near the