To the Reader
It is the privilege of parents to take their children with them to the
gates of the city of God, saying, “I have tried to instruct my children to
love the Lord, to do His will, and to glorify Him.” To such the gate will
be thrown open, and parents and children will enter in. But all cannot
enter. Some are left outside with their children, whose characters have
not been transformed by submission to the will of God. A hand is
raised, and the words are spoken, “You have neglected home duties.
You have failed to do the work that would have fitted the soul for
a home in heaven. You cannot enter.” The gates are closed to the
children because they have not learned to do the will of God, and to
parents because they have neglected the responsibilities resting upon
them. [
Manuscript 31, 1909
Light has been shining from the Word of God and the testimonies
of His Spirit so that none need err in regard to their duty. God requires
parents to bring up their children to know Him and to respect His
claims; they are to train their little ones, as the younger members of
the Lord’s family, to have beautiful characters and lovely tempers,
that they may be fitted to shine in the heavenly courts. By neglecting
their duty and indulging their children in wrong, parents close to
them the gates of the city of God. These facts must be pressed home
upon parents; they must arouse and take up their long-neglected work.
Testimonies for the Church 5:325, 326
.] Ellen G. White.