All the E. G. White sources, published and unpublished, have been
drawn upon in preparing Child Guidance. Full source credits appear
at the close of each chapter. Because the content of this Volume has
been brought together from a number of sources written over a period
of seventy years, there occasionally occurs an unavoidable break in
thought and manner of address as the several statements are linked
together in their natural subject sequence. The compilers were limited
in their work to the selecting and arranging of the various statements
and to the supplying of headings.
Child Guidance was prepared under the direction of the board
of Trustees of the Ellen G. White publications in their offices in
Washington, D.C. The work was done in harmony with Mrs. White’s
instruction to her trustees that they should provide for the printing of
compilations from her manuscript and published sources.
The need for this volume is great. Eternal interests are at stake. The
detailed counsels on discipline, character building, and physical and
spiritual education will be treasured by every thoughtful parent. That
this volume, standing by the side of The Adventist Home, Messages
to Young People, and other of the E. G. White books of counsel to
parents and youth, may serve to guide fathers and mothers in their
most important work is the sincere wish of the publishers and
The Trustees of the
Ellen G. White Publications.