Seite 276 - Counsels on Health (1923)

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Counsels on Health
sess more intelligence and keener discernment than the worldling. The
study of God’s word is continually expanding the mind and strength-
ening the intellect. There is nothing that will so refine and elevate the
character and give vigor to every faculty as the continual exercise of
the mind to grasp and comprehend weighty and important truths.
The human mind becomes dwarfed and enfeebled when dealing
with commonplace matters only, never rising above the level of the
things of time and sense to grasp the mysteries of the unseen. The
understanding is gradually brought to the level of the subjects with
which it is constantly familiar. The mind will contract its powers and
lose its ability if it is not exercised to acquire additional knowledge
and put to the stretch to comprehend the revelations of divine power
in nature and in the Sacred Word.
But an acquaintance with facts and theories, however important
they may be in themselves, is of little real value unless put to a practical
use. There is danger that those who have obtained their education
principally from books will fail to realize that they are novices, so
far as experimental knowledge is concerned. This is especially true
of those connected with the sanitarium. This institution needs men
of thought and ability. The physicians, superintendent, matron, and
helpers should be persons of culture and experience. But some fail to
comprehend what is needed at such an establishment, and they plod
on, year after year, making no marked improvement. They seem to be
stereotyped; each succeeding day is but a repetition of the past one.
The minds and hearts of these mechanical workers are impover-
ished. Opportunities are before them; if studious, they might obtain
an education of the highest value, but they do not appreciate their
privileges. None should rest satisfied with their present education. All
may be daily qualifying themselves to fill some office of trust....
Influence of God-Fearing Workers
Intelligent, God-fearing workers can do a vast amount of good
in the way of reforming those who come as invalids to be treated at
the sanitarium. These persons are diseased, not only physically, but
mentally and morally. The education, the habits, and the entire life of
many have been erroneous. They cannot in a few days make the great
changes necessary for the adoption of correct habits. They must have