Seite 299 - Counsels on Health (1923)

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Economy in Operating
All who are connected with our institutions should have a jealous
care that nothing be wasted, even if the matter does not come under
the very part of the work assigned them. Everyone can do something
toward economizing. All should perform their work, not to win praise
of men, but in such a manner that it may bear the scrutiny of God.
Christ once gave His disciples a lesson upon economy, which is
worthy of careful attention. He wrought a miracle to feed the hungry
thousands who had listened to His teachings; yet after all had eaten
and were satisfied, He did not permit the fragments to be wasted. He
who could, in their necessity, feed the vast multitude by His divine
power, bade His disciples gather up the fragments, that nothing might
be lost. This lesson was given as much for our benefit as for those
living in Christ’s day. The Son of God has a care for the necessities
of temporal life. He did not neglect the broken fragments after the
feast, although He could make such a feast whenever He chose. The
workers in our institutions would do well to heed this lesson: “Gather
up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.”
John 6:12
. This is
the duty of all, and those who occupy a leading position should set the