Seite 375 - Counsels on Health (1923)

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A Work That Will Endure
Testimonies for the Church 8:195-200
Saint Helena, California,
June 25, 1903.
To Our Sanitarium Physicians.
My dear Brethren,
Those who stand in responsible positions in the work of the Lord
are represented as watchmen on the walls of Zion. God calls upon
them to sound an alarm among the people. Let it be heard in all the
plain. The day of woe, of wasting and destruction, is upon all who do
unrighteousness. With special severity will the Lord’s hand fall upon
the watchmen who have failed to place before the people in clear lines
their obligation to Him who by creation and by redemption is their
My brethren, the Lord calls upon you to examine the heart closely.
He calls upon you to adorn the truth in your daily practice, and in all
your dealings with one another. He requires of you a faith that works
by love and purifies the soul. It is dangerous for you to trifle with the
sacred demands of conscience, dangerous for you to set an example
that leads others in a wrong direction.
Christians should carry with them, wherever they go, the sweet
fragrance of Christ’s righteousness, showing that they are complying
with the invitation, “Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
Matthew 11:29, 30
. Are you
learning daily in the school of Christ—learning how to dismiss doubt
and evil surmisings, learning how to be fair and noble in your dealings
with your brethren, for your own sake and for Christ’s sake?
Present Truth Leads Upward
Present truth leads onward and upward, gathering in the needy,
the oppressed, the suffering, the destitute. All that will come are to be
brought into the fold. In their lives there is to take place a reformation