Seite 56 - Counsels on Health (1923)

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The Wisdom of God’s Works
Lead the people to study the manifestation of God’s love and
wisdom in the works of nature. Lead them to study the marvelous
organism, the human system, and the laws by which it is governed.
Those who perceive the evidences of God’s love, who understand
something of the wisdom and beneficence of His laws and the results
of obedience, will come to regard their duties and obligations from
an altogether different point of view. Instead of looking upon an
observance of the laws of health as a matter of sacrifice or self-denial,
they will regard it, as it really is, as an inestimable blessing.
Every gospel worker should feel that the giving of instruction in
the principles of healthful living is a part of his appointed work. Of this
work there is great need, and the world is open for it.—
The Ministry
of Healing, 147