Seite 91 - Colporteur Ministry (1953)

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Chapter 17—Accompanied by Angels
Ministry of Holy Angels—We need to understand better than we
do the mission of the angels. It would be well to remember that every
true child of God has the co-operation of heavenly beings. Invisible
armies of light and power attend the meek and lowly ones who believe
and claim the promises of God. Cherubim and seraphim, and angels
that excel in strength, stand at God’s right hand, “All ministering spirits,
sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.”—
Acts of the Apostles, 154
Thousands of Angels—In working for perishing souls you have
the companionship of angels. Thousands upon thousands, and ten
thousand times ten thousand angels are waiting to co-operate with
members of our churches in communicating the light that God has
generously given, that a people may be prepared for the coming of
Testimonies for the Church 9:129
They Are Ever Near—Those who labor for the good of others are
working in union with the heavenly angels. They have their constant
companionship, their unceasing ministry. Angels of light and power
are ever near to protect, to comfort, to heal, to instruct, to inspire.
The highest education, the truest culture, and the most exalted service
possible to human beings in this world are theirs.—
Testimonies for
the Church 6:307, 308
Sent to Help Us—Nothing is apparently more helpless, yet really
more invincible, than the soul that feels its nothingness and relies
wholly on the merits of the Saviour. God would send every angel in
heaven to the aid of such a one, rather than allow him to be overcome.—
Testimonies for the Church 7:17
Our canvassers are having marked success. And why should they
not? The heavenly angels are working with them. Hundreds of those
who believe the truth will, if they keep their hearts humble, do a
good work, in the companionship of heavenly angels. God will use
those who humble the heart before him, and sanctify themselves in
faith and humility, following the example of the Great Teacher, and