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Christ’s Object Lessons
He who dwells in the heavenly sanctuary judges righteously. His
pleasure is more in His people, struggling with temptation in a world
of sin, than in the host of angels that surround His throne.
In this speck of a world the whole heavenly universe manifests the
greatest interest, for Christ has paid an infinite price for the souls of its
inhabitants. The world’s Redeemer has bound earth to heaven by ties
of intelligence, for the redeemed of the Lord are here. Heavenly beings
still visit the earth as in the days when they walked and talked with
Abraham and with Moses. Amid the busy activity of our great cities,
amid the multitudes that crowd the thoroughfares and fill the marts of
trade where from morning till evening the people act as if business and
sport and pleasure were all there is to life, where there are so few to
contemplate unseen realities—even here heaven has still its watchers
and its holy ones. There are invisible agencies observing every word
and deed of human beings. In every assembly for business or pleasure,
in every gathering for worship, there are more listeners than can be
seen with the natural sight. Sometimes the heavenly intelligences draw
aside the curtain which hides the unseen world that our thoughts may
be withdrawn from the hurry and rush of life to consider that there are
unseen witnesses to all we do or say.
We need to understand better than we do the mission of the angel
visitants. It would be well to consider that in all our work we have
the co-operation and care of heavenly beings. Invisible armies of
light and power attend the meek and lowly ones who believe and
claim the promises of God. Cherubim and seraphim and angels that
excel in strength—ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of
thousands—stand at His right hand, “all ministering spirits, sent forth
to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.”
Hebrews 1:14
By these angel messengers a faithful record is kept of the words
and deeds of the children of men. Every act of cruelty or injustice
toward God’s people, all they are caused to suffer through the power
of evil workers, is registered in heaven.
“Shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto
Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge
them speedily.”
“Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great rec-
ompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have
done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little