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Christ’s Object Lessons
lily and every spire of grass. His words are full of assurance, and tend
to confirm trust in God.
So wide was Christ’s view of truth, so extended His teaching, that
every phase of nature was employed in illustrating truth. The scenes
upon which the eye daily rests were all connected with some spiritual
truth, so that nature is clothed with the parables of the Master.
In the earlier part of His ministry, Christ had spoken to the people
in words so plain that all His hearers might have grasped truths which
would make them wise unto salvation. But in many hearts the truth
had taken no root, and it had been quickly caught away. “Therefore
speak I to them in parables.” He said; “because they seeing see not; and
hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.... For this people’s
heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes
they have closed.”
Matthew 13:13-15
Jesus desired to awaken inquiry. He sought to arouse the careless,
and impress truth upon the heart. Parable teaching was popular, and
commanded the respect and attention, not only of the Jews, but of the
people of other nations. No more effective method of instruction could
He have employed. If His hearers had desired a knowledge of divine
things, they might have understood His words; for He was always
willing to explain them to the honest inquirer.
Again, Christ had truths to present which the people were unpre-
pared to accept or even to understand. For this reason also He taught
them in parables. By connecting His teaching with the scenes of life,
experience, or nature, He secured their attention and impressed their
hearts. Afterward, as they looked upon the objects that illustrated His
lessons, they recalled the words of the divine Teacher. To minds that
were open to the Holy Spirit, the significance of the Saviour’s teaching
unfolded more and more. Mysteries grew clear, and that which had
been hard to grasp became evident.
Jesus sought an avenue to every heart. By using a variety of
illustrations, He not only presented truth in its different phases, but
appealed to the different hearers. Their interest was aroused by figures
drawn from the surroundings of their daily life. None who listened to
“Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they
seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do