Seite 233 - en_COL

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should discipline their minds to be retentive. It is a sin to forget, a sin
to be negligent. If you form a habit of negligence, you may neglect
your own soul’s salvation and at last find that you are unready for the
kingdom of God.
Great truths must be brought into little things. Practical religion is
to be carried into the lowly duties of daily life. The greatest qualifica-
tion for any man is to obey implicitly the word of the Lord.
Because they are not connected with some directly religious work,
many feel that their lives are useless; that they are doing nothing for
the advancement of God’s kingdom. But this is a mistake. If their work
is that which someone must do, they should not accuse themselves of
uselessness in the great household of God. The humblest duties are
not to be ignored. Any honest work is a blessing, and faithfulness in it
may prove a training for higher trusts.
However lowly, any work done for God with a full surrender of
self is as acceptable to Him as the highest service. No offering is small
that is given with true-heartedness and gladness of soul.
Wherever we may be, Christ bids us take up the duty that presents
itself. If this is in the home, take hold willingly and earnestly to make
home a pleasant place. If you are a mother, train your children for
Christ. This is as verily a work for God as is that of the minister in the
pulpit. If your duty is in the kitchen, seek to be a perfect cook. Prepare
food that will be healthful, nourishing, and appetizing. And as you
employ the best ingredients in preparing food remember that you are
to give your mind the best thoughts. If it is your work to till the soil
or to engage in any other trade or occupation, make a success of the
present duty. Put your mind on what you are doing. In all your work
represent Christ. Do as He would do in your place.
However small your talent, God has a place for it. That one talent,
wisely used, will accomplish its appointed work. By faithfulness in
little duties, we are to work on the plan of addition, and God will work
for us on the plan of multiplication. These littles will become the most
precious influences in His work.
Let a living faith run like threads of gold through the performance
of even the smallest duties. Then all the daily work will promote
Christian growth. There will be a continual looking unto Jesus. Love
for Him will give vital force to everything that is undertaken. Thus
through the right use of our talents, we may link ourselves by a golden