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“Friends by the Mammon of Unrighteousness”
multitude of their riches; none of them can by any means
redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.”
Psalm 49:6, 7
revived with distinctness, and through the disciples they were brought
vividly before the new converts who were added to the church.
And the Saviour was speaking also to the Pharisees. He did not
relinquish the hope that they would perceive the force of His words.
Many had been deeply convicted, and as they should hear the truth un-
der the dictation of the Holy Spirit, not a few would become believers
in Christ.
The Pharisees had tried to bring Christ into disrepute by accusing
Him of mingling with publicans and sinners. Now He turns the rebuke
on these accusers. The scene known to have taken place among the
publicans He holds up before the Pharisees both as representing their
course of action and as showing the only way in which they can redeem
their errors.
To the unfaithful steward his lord’s goods had been entrusted for
benevolent purposes; but he had used them for himself. So with
Israel. God had chosen the seed of Abraham. With a high arm He
had delivered them from bondage in Egypt. He had made them the
depositaries of sacred truth for the blessing of the world. He had
entrusted to them the living oracles that they might communicate the
light to others. But His stewards had used these gifts to enrich and
exalt themselves.
The Pharisees, filled with self-importance and self-righteousness,
were misapplying the goods lent them by God to use for His glory.
The servant in the parable had made no provision for the future.
The goods entrusted to him for the benefit of others he had used for
himself; but he had thought only of the present. When the stewardship
should be taken from him, he would have nothing to call his own. But
his master’s goods were still in his hands, and he determined to use
them so as to secure himself against future want. To accomplish this
he must work on a new plan. Instead of gathering for himself, he must
impart to others. Thus he might secure friends, who, when he should
be cast out, would receive him. So with the Pharisees. The stewardship
was soon to be taken from them, and they were called upon to provide
for the future. Only by seeking the good of others could they benefit