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Other Lessons from Seed-Sowing
“Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it;
Thou greatly enrichest it;
The river of God is full of water;
Thou providest them corn when Thou hast so
prepared the earth.
Thou waterest her furrows abundantly;
Thou settlest the ridges thereof;
Thou makest it soft with showers;
Thou blessest the springing thereof.
Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness;
And Thy paths drop fatness.”
Psalm 65:9-11
, R.V.
* * * * *
The material world is under God’s control. The laws of nature are
obeyed by nature. Everything speaks and acts the will of the Creator.
Cloud and sunshine, dew and rain, wind and storm, all are under the
supervision of God, and yield implicit obedience to His command. It
is in obedience to the law of God that the spire of grain bursts through
the ground, “first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in
the ear.”
Mark 4:28
. These the Lord develops in their proper season
because they do not resist His working. And can it be that man, made
in the image of God, endowed with reason and speech, shall alone be
unappreciative of His gifts and disobedient to His will? Shall rational
beings alone cause confusion in our world?
* * * * *
In everything that tends to the sustenance of man is seen the con-
currence of divine and human effort. There can be no reaping unless
the human hand acts its part in the sowing of the seed. But without
the agencies which God provides in giving sunshine and showers, dew
and clouds, there would be no increase. Thus it is in every business
pursuit, in every department of study and science. Thus it is in spiritual
things, in the formation of the character, and in every line of Christian
work. We have a part to act, but we must have the power of divinity to
unite with us, or our efforts will be in vain.