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Two Worshipers
their conversion, should never be taught to say or to feel that they are
saved. This is misleading. Every one should be taught to cherish hope
and faith; but even when we give ourselves to Christ and know that He
accepts us, we are not beyond the reach of temptation. God’s word
declares, “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried.”
. Only he who endures the trial will receive the crown of life.
James 1:12
Those who accept Christ, and in their first confidence say, I am
saved, are in danger of trusting to themselves. They lose sight of their
own weakness and their constant need of divine strength. They are
unprepared for Satan’s devices, and under temptation many, like Peter,
fall into the very depths of sin. We are admonished, “Let him that
thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.”
1 Corinthians 10:12
. Our
only safety is in constant distrust of self, and dependence on Christ.
It was necessary for Peter to learn his own defects of character,
and his need of the power and grace of Christ. The Lord could not
save him from trial, but He could have saved him from defeat. Had
Peter been willing to receive Christ’s warning, he would have been
watching unto prayer. He would have walked with fear and trembling
lest his feet should stumble. And he would have received divine help
so that Satan could not have gained the victory.
It was through self-sufficiency that Peter fell; and it was through
repentance and humiliation that his feet were again established. In the
record of his experience every repenting sinner may find encourage-
ment. Though Peter had grievously sinned, he was not forsaken. The
words of Christ were written upon his soul, “I have prayed for thee,
that thy faith fail not.”
Luke 22:32
. In his bitter agony of remorse, this
prayer, and the memory of Christ’s look of love and pity, gave him
hope. Christ after His resurrection remembered Peter, and gave the
angel the message for the women, “Go your way, tell His disciples and
Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see Him.”
Mark 16:7
. Peter’s repentance was accepted by the sin-pardoning
And the same compassion that reached out to rescue Peter is ex-
tended to every soul who has fallen under temptation. It is Satan’s
special device to lead man into sin, and then leave him, helpless and
trembling, fearing to seek for pardon. But why should we fear, when
God has said, “Let him take hold of My strength, that he may make