Page 335 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Speedy Preparation for Work
None should be allowed to pursue a course of study that will
weaken their faith in the truth or in the Lord’s power, or diminish
their respect for a life of holiness. I would warn the students not to
advance one step in these lines, not even upon the advice of their
instructors or men in positions of authority, unless they have first
sought God individually with their hearts thrown open to the influ-
ences of the Holy Spirit and have obtained His counsel concerning
the contemplated course of study. Let every unholy ambition be
blotted out. Let every selfish desire to distinguish yourselves be set
aside; let every suggestion from humanity be taken to God, and trust
in the guidance of His Spirit....
Do not commit yourselves to the keeping of men, but say, “The
Lord is my helper; I will seek His counsel; I will be a doer of His
will.” All the advantages you may have cannot be a blessing to you,
neither can the highest education qualify you to become a channel
of light, unless you have the co-operation of the divine Spirit. It is
as impossible for us to receive qualifications from men, without the
divine enlightenment, as it was for the gods of Egypt to deliver those
who trusted in them.
Students must not suppose that every suggestion for them to
prolong their studies is in harmony with God’s plan. Take every such
suggestion to the Lord in prayer, and seek His guidance, not once
only, but again and again. Plead with Him until you are convinced
whether the counsel is of God or man....
The Lord says, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into tempta-
Matthew 26:41
. “Watch” lest your studies accumulate to such
proportions and become of such absorbing interest to you that your
mind is overburdened and the desire for godliness is crushed out of
your soul. With many students the motive and aim which caused
them to enter school have gradually been lost sight of, and an unholy
ambition to secure a high-class education has led them to sacrifice
the truth. Their intense interest to secure a high place among men
has caused them to leave the will of their heavenly Father out of their
calculations; but true knowledge leads to holiness of life through
sanctification of the truth.
Too often, as the studies accumulate, the wisdom from above has
been given a secondary place, and the farther the student advances,
the less confidence he has in God. He looks upon much learning as