Page 389 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Medical Student
passing of certain legal tests, should be able to secure at our union
conference training schools all that is essential for entrance into a
medical college.
Prayer will accomplish wonders for those who give themselves
to prayer, watching thereunto. God desires us all to be in a waiting,
hopeful position. What He has promised He will do, and inasmuch
as there are legal requirements making it necessary that medical
students shall take a certain preparatory course of study, our colleges
should arrange to carry their students to the point of literary and
scientific training that is necessary.
And not only should our larger training schools give this prepara-
tory instruction to those who contemplate taking a medical course,
but we must also do all that is essential for the perfecting of the
courses of study offered by our Loma Linda College of Medical
Evangelists. As pointed out about the time this school was founded,
we must provide that which is essential to qualify our youth who
desire to be physicians, so that they may intelligently fit themselves
to stand the examinations required to prove their efficiency as physi-
cians. They should be taught to treat understandingly the cases of
those who are diseased, so that the door will be closed for any sen-
sible physician to imagine that we are not giving in our school the
instruction necessary for properly qualifying young men and women
to do the work of a physician. Continually the students who are
graduated are to advance in knowledge, for practice makes perfect.
The medical school at Loma Linda is to be of the highest order,
because those who are in that school have the privilege of main-
taining a living connection with the wisest of all physicians, from
whom there is communicated knowledge of a superior order. And
for the special preparation of those of our youth who have clear con-
victions of their duty to obtain a medical education that will enable
them to pass the examinations required by law of all who practice
as regularly qualified physicians, we are to supply whatever may be
required, so that these youth need not be compelled to go to medical
schools conducted by men not of our faith. Thus we shall close a
door that the enemy would be pleased to have left open; and our
young men and women, whose spiritual interests the Lord desires us
to safeguard, will not feel compelled to connect with unbelievers in
order to obtain thorough training along medical lines.