Page 395 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Spiritual Growth
grace received in times of trial is of more value than gold or silver.
It confirms the faith of the trusting, believing one. The assurance
that Jesus is to him an ever-present helper gives him a boldness that
enables him to take God at His word and trust Him with unwavering
faith under the most trying circumstances.
Our only security against falling into sin is to keep ourselves
constantly under the molding influence of the Holy Spirit, at the
same time engaging actively in the cause of truth and righteousness,
discharging every God-given duty, but taking no burden that God
has not laid upon us. Physicians and medical students must stand
firm under the banner of the third angel’s message, fighting the good
fight of faith, perseveringly and successfully, relying not on their
own wisdom, but on the wisdom of God, putting on the heavenly
armor, the equipment of God’s word, never forgetting that they have
a Leader who never has been and never can be overcome by evil.
To every medical student who desires to be an honor to the cause
of God during the closing scenes of this earth’s history, I would say:
Behold Christ, the Sent of God, who, in this world and in human
nature, lived a pure, noble, perfect life, setting an example that
all may safely follow. The Lord is reaching out His hand to save.
Respond to His invitation, “Let him take hold of My strength, that
he may make peace with Me; and he shall make peace with Me.”
Isaiah 27:5
.... How eagerly the Saviour will take the trembling hand
in His own, holding it with a warm, firm grasp, until the feet are
placed on vantage ground! ...
Trust in Him who understands your weakness. Keep close to the
side of Christ; for the enemy stands ready to take captive everyone
who is off his guard....
It is young men whom the Lord claims as His helping hand.
Samuel was a mere child when the Lord used him to do a good and
gracious work....
Gather to your soul the light of the word of God. Remember that
day by day you are building character for time and for eternity. The
teaching of the Bible in regard to character building is very explicit.
“Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord
Colossians 3:17
. Place yourself under His control, and then
ask for His protecting power. He gave His life for you. Do not cause
Him sorrow. Be guarded in all that you say and do. Christ wants you